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  • Se souvenir de moi
J'ai oublié mon mot de passe
Extrait indisponible

Antimony Carver is a precocious and preternaturally self-possessed young girl starting her first year of school at gloomy Gunnerkrigg Court, a very British boarding school that has robots running around along side body-snatching demons, forest gods, and the odd mythical creature.

The opening volume in the series follows Antimony through her orientation year: the people she meets, the strange things that happen, and the the things she cause to happen as she and her new friend, Kat, unravel the mysteries of the Court and deal with the everiday adventures of growing up.

Tom Siddell's popular and award-winning webcomic ( is here collected in print for the first time.

Winner, 2006 Web Cartoonist's Choice Awards for Best Newcomer.

Nominated, 2006 International Clickies Award.

Nominated, 2007 Web Cartoonist's Choice Awards for Oustanding Comic, Long Form Comic, and Fantasy Comic.

Winner, 2008 Web Cartoonist's Choice Awards for Best Dramatic Comic.

''Tom Siddell's series is quite its own thing, a low-key impromptu stroll through a bizarre and intriguing fantasy...''

''I was thrilled to hear that my favourite webcomic was going to be collected on paper. I wish that Antimony Carver and her adventures and mysteries and myths, not to mention her school, had been around when I was a boy, to shape and warp and twist my growing mind - but I don't think you could ever grow too old to delight in Gunnerkrigg Court.'' - Neil Gaiman

Une sélection de séries à lire si vous avez aimé Gunnerkrigg Court (2008) :

Détail des albums de la série