In days of old, when King Arthur reigned over Britain, there was at royal Camelot an apprentice sorcerer by the name of Kelpie.
Together with his venerable master, the great and powerful Merlin, Kelpie uses his magic to protect the kingdom from evil doers including The Raven and the Weird Sisters of Doon!
First published sixty years ago by Odhams press in Wham!, the complete saga of Kelpie the Boy Wizard channels Arthurian legend through a Harry Potter filter, presented through the gorgeous black and white artwork of John Burns.
Info édition : Contient l'intégralité de la série, publiée dans Wham! (1964) du 20 juin 1964 au 20 février 1965, et dans Wham! Annual 1966. Couverture rigide.