Organisms from an Ancient Cosmos (2022)
Organisms from an Ancient Cosmos
Une BD de
S. Craig Zahler
chez Dark Horse Books
- 2022
Zahler, S. Craig
Zahler, S. Craig
Zahler, S. Craig
Zahler, S. Craig
10/2022 (30 novembre 2022) 186 pages 9781506733074 Format normal 513242
An alien spacecraft the size of a city materializes over the Pacific Ocean, and the nations of the world jointly engage this enigmatic and incommunicative visitor with force. This battle results in large-scale destruction on both sides, but does not answer any of the questions that will haunt humanity: What are these utterly inhuman creatures? Where did they come from? Why did they choose to visit our planet? And . . . most importantly . . . are more forces on the way?