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Couverture de Iron Man Epic Collection (2013) -INT14- Return Of The Ghost
©Marvel Comics 2019 Michelinie/Layton
Parution le 26/03/2019. Vous pouvez commander l'album chez nos partenaires suivants : Acheter sur Amazon Acheter à la FNAC Acheter sur Rakuten
Album créé dans la bedetheque le 13/04/2019 (Dernière modification le 18/04/2019 à 10:07) par jr5902

Iron Man Epic Collection (2013)

INT14. Return Of The Ghost

Une BD de et Bob Layton chez Marvel Comics (Epic Collection) - 2019
Michelinie, David (Scénario) Layton, Bob (Dessin) Sharen, Bob (Couleurs)

03/2019 (26 mars 2019) 465 pages 9781302916299 Format comics 364357

The Ghost is back! As Tony Stark battles with the ramifications of the Armor Wars, he must convince the world that there's a new Iron Man -and what better way to boost Shell-Head's popularity than stopping a nuclear satellite from crashing to Earth! Spider-Man helps out against the Radioactive Man, as Steve Rogers and Ant-Man drop by! But as an alien spreads horror in orbit, the Rhino wreaks havoc on Earth! Fearsome foes are lining up to take Iron Man down -but will Blacklash, Blizzard and Boomerang help him against the Ghost? And will the most... Lire la suite

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Note: 4.0/5 (1 vote)

  • Iron Man Epic Collection (2013) -INT01- The Golden Avenger

  • Iron Man Epic Collection (2013) -INT02- By Force Of Arms

  • Iron Man Epic Collection (2013) -INT03- The Man Who Killed Tony Stark

  • Iron Man Epic Collection (2013) -INT04- The Fury Of The Firebrand

  • Iron Man Epic Collection (2013) -INT10- The Enemy Within

  • Iron Man Epic Collection (2013) -INT11- Duel of Iron

  • Iron Man Epic Collection (2013) -INT13- Stark Wars

  • Iron Man Epic Collection (2013) -INT14- Return Of The Ghost

  • Iron Man Epic Collection (2013) -INT15- Doom

  • Iron Man Epic Collection (2013) -INT16- War Games

  • Iron Man Epic Collection (2013) -INT17- War Machine

  • Iron Man Epic Collection (2013) -INT20- In The Hands Of Evil


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Toutes les éditions de cet album

  • Iron Man Epic Collection (2013) -INT14- Return Of The Ghost ©Marvel Comics 2019 Michelinie/Layton

    INT14 . Return Of The Ghost

    • 364357
    • Michelinie, David
    • Layton, Bob
    • Sharen, Bob
    • 03/2019 (Parution le 26/03/2019)
    • 02/2019
    • non coté
    • Marvel Comics
    • Epic Collection
    • Format comics
    • 978-1-302-91629-9
    • 465
    • 13/04/2019 (modifié le 18/04/2019 10:07)